As I wrap up the discussion about Trinity this week, I can't help but think of all the times I've heard someone say, "I don't really understand the Trinity, I just believe it." The deeper your understanding of this doctrine grows, however, the more obvious it is how important it is to let this truth about God's nature sink deep into your heart. Make no mistake. Understanding the Trinity matters, for several reasons.
1. The Trinity expresses what healthy relationships look like. At creation, at the cross, and throughout eternity, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have related to one another in perfect harmony. They have different roles but there is no pride, no jealousy, or any of the sinful residue that exists in our relationships when we fail to walk alongside one another. If we would seek to affirm and appreciate one another's differences like the Trinity does, what a beautiful church we would be!
2. The Trinity emphasizes the priority of community. The Trinity doesn't just exist alongside one another. They are interdependent. What One does affects the Others. What One desires is accomplished by Another. A biblical community follows the lead of the Trinity by depending on deep connection to accomplish our mission.
3. The Trinity models the ideal expression of authority and submission. The world often sees these as undesirable values. God wisely and justly administers His plan for the world. Jesus gladly and obediently carries it out. The Holy Spirit gives powerful application to all of the Father and Son's wishes. Every spouse, parent, and child can learn what healthy authority and submission looks like by looking to the Trinity.
4.The Trinity sets the framework for biblical prayer. I was recently taken back to think of how often some of us "skim" through our prayers without really giving thought to the biblical pattern that Jesus gave us in prayer: "Our Father in heaven..." (Mat. 6:9). I'm not trying to institute "prayer police" to prevent you from praying to Jesus or the Holy Spirit. Just realize that the pattern Jesus gives us in prayer is to petition the Father. What about the rest of the Trinity? "For through Him (Jesus) we both have access in one Spirit to the Father."(Eph. 2:9 ESV) We should pray to the Father, through Jesus, in the power of the Holy Spirit.
5. The Trinity sets the framework for authentic worship. If you search the Scripture, you find that the Holy Spirit always shines the spotlight on Jesus. Jesus said that the Spirit would glorify Him by taking what has been accomplished by the Son and declaring it to the disciples (John 16:14). If worship focuses on the Holy Spirit apart from Jesus, it isn't following the way that the Trinity functions. We worship Jesus, through the power of the Spirit, to the glory of the Father.
Getting refocused on the Trinity and what it means has deepened my worship, given me greater clarity in reading the Bible, and improved my understanding of the treasure God has given me in relationships. I challenge you to take the foundation we've laid here and keep building on it as you seek to know God more and more deeply.
I thoroughly enjoyed it and will read over this several times. Thank you for enlightening us to why it matters that we understand who God is in the Trinity.