Confession time...when I was growing up, I really enjoyed watching "professional" wrestling. I realize that calling it professional may be a stretch, thus the quotation marks. But my favorite wrestling was when the teams went after each other. Two or more wrestlers would go up against another team. When one member got pinned or in deep trouble, he would reach out, tag his partner, and IT WAS ON!!
I think that the best picture of what the Great Commission should look like in the local church is God's people doing "tag-team" evangelism. From the very outset, introducing people to Jesus was a "come and see" invitation. Andrew invited Peter. The woman at the well invited her entire village. When we come together for the sake of the gospel, God just seems to bless that kind of effort in a special way.
Beginning February 21, we will be doing some tag-team evangelism at First Baptist with a campaign called "Everyone's Quest." For six weeks, I will be preaching through the foundational truths of the gospel. We will provide you with some invitation cards like the one above and you can use them as conversation-starters with family, friends, and co-workers. Our worship hour will be prayerfully prepared for your special guests. We're praying for God to use this campaign as a vital resource for you in your mission to share the Good News of Jesus. We are ready to get after it this Sunday. Let's tag up!